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Mode of Payment :

Within India :

Please pay using Paytm at mobile 9810260704
or Please deposit Rs 3700 in the Savings Account of Mrs. Minu Dogra number 35782552316
at the SBI BANK Branch Ashok Vihar, Phase 1, Delhi 110052, India. NEFT IFSC CODE is SBIN0007783.

Upon deposit, please indicate the amount deposited with complete address with pin code, and phone number
to our email address [email protected] or text or whatsapp us at india mobile 9810260704.

The product (s) will be dispatched within 24 hours and you shall be intimated of the same via your email / SMS / whatsapp if indicated.

As a reference, depending upon the city, it takes 1 to 7 days to reach your address in India.


Outside India :

Please use to pay USD 145.00 using our email address [email protected]


Pay USD 145.00 using Western Union Or Moneygram, in favour of Anil Kumar Dogra
Address : IA / 20A, Phase One, Ashok Vihar, Delhi, India - 110052, Mobile : 9810260704.

Upon deposit email us at [email protected],
indicating the amount deposited along with your complete address with zip code and a phone number .

The product (s) will be dispatched within 48 hours and you shall be intimated of the same via your email.

As a global reference, depending upon the city, it takes 5 to 20 days to reach your address in the USA.
No dispatch is allowed for UAE or other Gulf countries.

Thank You.

Vaidyaraj Anil Dogra
+91 9810260704
(Cell no. on whatsapp also)